It has to be said that I do become obsessed about certain things. This usually happens when I am extremely bored and need to occupy myself lest I decide to get busy with something stupid, like taking on the zits on my face, and ruining the rest of my life.
One ongoing obsession of mine is finding pictures of people who look like each other. Since pictures of random people are hard to come by, the people I usually notice are celebrities and other public figures. Now I have been able to gather some of them and I've decided to post them for my own amusement.
Real People vs. Real People1. David Boreanaz vs. Craig Sheffer
I noticed this when Angel, este David, began to gain weight in Buffy. He started to look more and more like Craig Sheffer. Craig Sheffer, an actor I refuse to watch until recently because I still associate him with his ass-aholic character in Somekind of Wonderful, does not like look like David now, but his earlier pictures do.

2. Jeffrey Tambor vs. Dr. Phil
I saw this picture of Jeffrey and I just laughed my ass off because he is such a dead ringer for Dr. Phil. I don't know if he was trying to impersonate Dr. Phil at the time or if he was just playing the role of a random doctor.

3. Hugh Laurie vs. Damian Lewis
They are both British. They both have beards. They have the same haircut. Heck they are wearing almost the same clothes. Okay, so one of them looks like a big sourpuss but hey, you have to admit that there is something there. This could be like Dr. House when he was younger.

4. Jay Mohr vs. Sam Huntington
Sam Huntington looks like Jay Mohr on and off over the years in my opinion. But recently he has started to look like the comedian again.
5. Jessalyn Gelsing vs. Avril Lavign
While watching Boston Public, I noticed that there are some shots of Jessalyn Gelsing wherein she looks like the older version of Avril. I couldn't find a picture of them that was on money and the pictures below are the closest to each that I could find.
6. Tom Cruise vs. Sean Faris
If Tom Cruise actually had an illegitimate child that he didn't know about, I'm going to put my money on Sean Faris as that child. If you take away that mole, Sean would look like Tom in Risky Business.

7. Tom Welling vs. Tyson Ritter (Lead Vocals of The All American Rejects)
Tom Welling, bless his beautiful face for it is all he has. I tried watching Smallvile just because the whole idea of Superman's life before he was Superman appealed to me. Okay, so it's not 'just' the idea of Superman's life before he was Superman that appealed to me. Having a pretty boy there helped too. Unfortunately, said pretty boy was dead as a rock. Nothing going on behind those eyes. Then I saw a very similar face that actually had something behind the eyes. The face belonged to Tyson Ritter, who looked very much like a rocking Tom in the video Swing, Swing.
8. Helen Hunt vs. Leelee Sobieski
I believe that I am not the only person who has noticed the similarity between these two. I did find pictures where their pictures where side by side. They are alike and yet they are not. I can't really pinpoint what it is. Maybe it's their eyes.

9. Ricky Ullman vs. Cogie Domingo
Local actor, Cogie Domingo, looks like Israeli born actor Ricky Ullman, best known for his role as Phil Diffy in Phil of the Future. I don't watch local movies, sitcoms, drama shows and whatnot, for fear I may be driven insane by their bad quality and go out and kill every writer, producer, actor and actress in those shows. So even if Cogie is cute, I have not seen a single project of his. So I settle on watching the Disney Channel instead.
10. Jared Leto vs. Drew Fuller
Before anybody protests that these two look nothing alike, let me just say that I mostly agree with you. It's just that they both have this vibe about them. At a swift glance I once mistook a picture of Drew as a picture of Jared. Not to mention they both have gorgeous eyes.
11. Justin Long vs. Rob Stone
People who did not watch a show called Mr. Belvedere in the 80's will not know who the heck is Rob Stone. Needless to say, he was in that show. He was the oldest teenage son who is awkward and always trying to find how to score a beautiful and popular girl as his gilrfriend. Welcome to the year 2000 and this role has been somewhat reincarnated in the show Ed and is played by Justin Long, who has the same smile as Rob Stone.
12. Billy Corgan vs. Jerry Supiran
Another 80's show is the source of one of my look alikes. Actually I don't believe this is a look alike. I believe that this kid from Small Wonder, Jerry Supiran, grew up and changed his name to Billy Corgan, lead vocals of The Smashing Pumpkins.
13. Mary Stuart Masterson vs. Jesse Spencer
As a joke I sent my friend a zip file containing the 2 pictures below and asked her to identify who those 2 were. She replied that if I wanted to guess who the person in the picture was, I should have cut of the section in one of the pictures that said Somekind of Wonderful. What she was basically saying was that she thought that both pictures were of Mary Stuart Masterson. I then dropped the bomb on her and said that only one of the pictures is Mary and the other picture is another person, who is in fact a guy.
14. Kiera Knightley vs. Jesse Spencer
I'm sorry, but this guy just really looks a like girl sometimes.
15. James Earl Jones vs. Della Reese
They could be fraternal twins or something. If James Earl Jones decides to cross dress, I imagine he'll look like Ms. Reese.
Real People vs. Cartoon Characters
16. Pierce Brosnan vs. Col. KFC
I am not sure if the Colonel Sanders (is this the guy in KFC?) is a real person before so I am assuming he is not. Pierce Brosnan, in an interview earlier this year, said that his new look has prompted people to say that he either looks like Saddam or Col. KFC. I agree on the KFC.
17. Saddam Hussein vs. Murky
Speaking of Saddam, I've always thought that he looks like Murky from Rainbow Bright with his little mustache and chubby cheeks.
18. Colin Powell vs. A Cabbage Patch Doll
I've also always thought that Colin Powell looks like a cabbage patch doll.

19. Josh Saviano vs. Millhouse
Josh Saviano, best known for his role as Paul Pfeiffer in The Wonder Years, was rumored to have reinvented himself to Marilyn Manson. I never believed that. My Billy Corgan theory is better than that. But despite the now busted myth, I still say that this guy does still look like someone still in television. Of course that someone is actually a cartoon character but the similarity is still there, from the glasses to his nerdy persona.
Cartoon Characters vs. Cartoon Characters20. Grimace vs. Lurky
They are both big and I have no idea what the heck they are suppose to be.

21. Pink Panther vs. Snaggle Puss
Do I still need to point out the similarities between these 2?
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