I don't know what's up with Tom Cruise but lately he's sort of becoming his character in the movie Magnolia. I mean what's his beef with women with postpartum anyway?
I used to admire him for being a good speaker. He's always very civil to people. He's very confident and in control. And usually he talks about things he really knows something about. Now it just seems like he's talking out of his Scientology ass. I'm sure that if he reads this he'll be so freaking mad about me dissing his religion.
And that's the irony here. I mean, I saw an interview with him wherein he said that people who make comments against Scientology are those who know nothing about it and therefore have no real basis for the things they are saying. Then here he is making judgmental comments about Brooke Shields and every other woman who took anti-depressants because of postpartum when he really doesn't know a lot about it. Sure he says that his religion taught him about how there really is no such thing as chemical imbalances and that the symptoms these women are experiencing can be cured by exercise and vitamins but were those people who taught him these facts real doctors? Did he take up medicine? Did he get a degree in human chemistry? Did he by any chance experience postpartum depression even by proxy? No he did not. So he really has no real basis on making these judgments and he should just take his own advice and zip his gob about things he knows nothing about.
It's hard enough for women all over the world who are experiencing this to admit to themselves that they have this problem much less to someone else. Getting help is something that they don't immediately consider because of the great shame they experience of not feeling joy for being blessed by a child. Some of them don't realize that they have it; they just jump out of buildings killing themselves before their problem is ever shared to a single soul. Tom Cruise's comments on how to handle this disease is not helping anybody. If anything else it is endangering the progress that it has already seen and it is also endangering the lives of many women out there who will take his misinformed comments seriously.
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