Thursday, October 30, 2008
Must Watch Movies for Me
A few weeks ago I moaned that there were no more movies I could look forward to for this year. But little by little things are popping up that have me thinking otherwise. Since I am old and decrepit I thought it best to make a list and later on add to it as time goes on so that I remember to actually go out and watch them.

1. Housebunny
2. Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist
3. Zack and Miri Make a Porno
4. Twilight
5. Sex Drive

Yes, my movie preference tend to be juvenile but I really don't want to watch anything heavy unless there's a damn good looking man in there.

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posted by Insanity Supreme at 10:47 AM
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Spencer is such a Prat
I read this article today: My favorite part of the article is when Dave told Lauren Conrad: "But that raises the question: Maybe you are the problem."

Granted I've never able to watch a single episode of this show (thank God for small mercies), but I've seen enough of Spencer Pratt being interviewed to be totally icked by him and his girlfriend Heidi Montag. That Spencer Pratt guy gives the word "smarmy" a bad name and yet it really is the most appropriate word to describe him.

Needless to say, I totally agree with Dave on this one.

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posted by Insanity Supreme at 11:34 AM
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Live Unbuttoned
My ongoing battle with anemia has me taking iron meds again and with that, an increased appetite at a time when food outlets are far away from my office building.

With the increased appetite, one would say that having the fast food and convenient stores at a slight distance would be helpful in pushing me to get the exercise I've been swearing to do. But the thought of walking to them under the punishing afternoon sun at that distance is insanity in itself. But I do need exercise. I may not have a weight problem but my vanity fluctuates and right now I don't want a repeat of that incident when a sales lady told another sales lady that a baby tee I was trying on would not fit me because of my big belly. A statement she said while I was still in front of her. B#tch!

But whether or not my vanity is currently telling me that I should stop looking like a slob or to not mind that I am one, I am having problems with my belly. A bigger belly results to tighter pants. Tighter pants results to a squeezed belly. Squeezed belly results to me getting gassy and getting sick. My usual resolution to this problem is to buy new pants. But that endeavor has always been difficult because of my belly and with me being short. Also with me becoming poor since my employer, Accepting Torture, is such a cheapskate, shopping for new pants and have that not fit in a couple of months is a hard investment to make.

My temporary solution right now is to follow the new Levi's 501 slogan: Live unbuttoned. Hopefully my pants don't fall down while I am walking.

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posted by Insanity Supreme at 4:34 PM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
If Drug Dealers Look Like This, Who Would Want To Go To AA?
Why can't all our neighborhood drug dealers look like James Franco?

Again, I am blown away by Franco's ability to not be a cliché. He has leading man looks and could easily avoid small silly movies and just cruise on to big films and stay there. But Franco seems to be enjoying being different people and be good at it. Whether he's a sleazy jerk who ends up tied to a bed in women's undies, a cool outsider with a big-mouthed girlfriend, a real hot hustler, a living Jimmy Dean or the guy who tried to kill his superhero best friend, for some reason he still comes off as a guy you could like.

His rendition of Saul in Pineapple Express is no different. Right now I am hard pressed to think of a person who could make a drug dealer be so innocent, goofy, cute, sweet and still look like a credible drug dealing sleaze in a pair of jammies but without coming off as a total brainless dumbass (I'm pointing at you Ashton, you dumb looking nerd). Hmmm...maybe Johnny Depp.

Now speaking of Pineapple Express, I have to thank its writers (Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg) for giving me another reason not to be a total dick in this lifetime. I should not be a dick 'cause karma will bite me in the ass and I might end up reincarnated as an anal bead.

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posted by Insanity Supreme at 12:45 AM
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Spencer is such a Prat
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If Drug Dealers Look Like This, Who Would Want To ...
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