Last week was JD's birthday and to celebrate it, we went out to dinner and then went to Malate for dancing and karaoke. Not that I sang of course.This is a birthday celebration for Christ's sake, me singing would hardly be considered as a welcomed gift but more like a portent of doom.
Anyhoo, being that we were in Malate I was prepared to see anything. Well I thought I was until I saw a grandma dressed in a sequined bra top framed by a blazer, pants and knee-high high heeled boots coming out of Bed, a club we frequent, since JD knows the owner. So yes, I was shocked. I mean with this country being conservative on many things, techno dancing grannies are a rarity. But as for what I think about that woman, I only have this to say: if she still has the energy to go out and get her groove on then more power to her.
Another thing that I saw that night, that I don't usually see, is a group of very beautiful trannies. Not that I haven't seen trannies before. Transvestites actually constitute most of the people who have cut my hair. And I do occasionally see some that are very beautiful but not a whole group of them. Man, the sight of them gave me low self esteem on my looks for a moment there since I'm the real deal and they so look much better than me.

But despite my trip down the I'm-so-ugly-give-me-a-cone-to-hide-my-head mentality, the night (or morning since it was actually dawn) ended on a high note since I saw a very manilicious guy. A guy who actually met most of my dream man qualities in terms of looks. He was tan, had flat abs, nice face and average height. I didn't talk to him though. Dude was too busy talking to his cell phone which I took as a cue that if he can't be bothered to look around and see wonderful me, then he's not really worth the time. That is of course the spiel I am giving myself to stop me from kicking my own ass for not saying a word to him.
I have the speed of a slug when it comes to matters such as these. I consider myself batshit insane most of the time but I do become deadly sober when a situation like this comes along and this usually prevents me from saying something stupid in front of a guy. Unfortunately it sometimes goes overboard and I end up saying nothing at all.
Oh well, one step at a time I guess. No need to rush myself into doing stuff like these if I don't feel like it yet. Because to be honest, I just really like looking around right now.
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