Thursday, April 13, 2006
Goal Book circa 19Naive
Since I opted not to go with JD to Galera this Holy Week in favor of sleeping the whole holiday break away, I find myself going through my crap in my room. Crap that mostly consists of scribbles of unfinished stories and poetry or just plain drabbles. Others were written reflection reports that I feel particularly fond of. One of the crap items I have apparently saved up is a goal book back when I was in third year high school. I forgot what class this is from and the fact that I can't remember is driving me insane. Argggg!

Going over this goal book, I find myself snickering at the items I've listed there. I was so idealistic then. I always thought that I've become a cynic by the time I was in high school but apparently I wasn't. God, some of the things I've listed down are things I would loathe to have right now, especially number 82. I mean, WTF?!!!!!!! I'm very big on not wanting to have that right now or ever, depends on what mood I'm in.

Anyhoo, below is the goal book:
  1. To have a sport
  2. To have better looking legs
  3. That I pass third year and be promoted
  4. I've always wanted my own room
  5. I want a big poster of James Dean
  6. That at some point in my life I would feel that I have fulfilled my destiny??
  7. I want to have an electric guitar
  8. To have better looking teeth
  9. To be tall
  10. To be tall
  11. To go to Europe, all expenses paid w/pocket money
  12. To be able to help in saving the forests, whales or manatees
  13. To have a foreign friend so that I can see the world from a personal point of view
  14. That I have a good course in college that I like
  15. To have a convertible (50's style, red, Chevy)
  16. To have a jukebox for my own entertainment
  17. That I learn how to fly a plane
  18. To sky dive at least once in my life
  19. To bungee jump at least once in my life
  20. To go to a good college
  21. To climb Mt. Everest
  22. To visit the pyramids, ruins and other historical sites
  23. To learn how to draw comics
  24. To be a good writer
  25. To become artistic
  26. To explore the many caves of the world
  27. To learn how to swim
  28. To learn how to ride a bike
  29. To be a better friend
  30. To write a screenplay or something like that
  31. To learn how to play soccer
  32. To become more generous
  33. To learn a form of martial arts
  34. To someday build a famous landmark
  35. To direct a documentary about things that are important to people my age
  36. To be able to collect all the comic books that I want
  37. To start a new program that's like MTV but will talk about the concerns of the youth
  38. To discover the Fountain of Youth
  39. To go to a Smashing Pumpkins concert
  40. To have my own band or a band to manage
  41. To have psychic powers
  42. To have vast land so that when it rains I could run there w/o anybody seeing me and to have lots of space to run in
  43. To have long, beautiful, jet black hair
  44. To have my own place when I graduate from college
  45. To learn how to cook for myself
  46. To meet Chris O'Donnell
  47. To have a horse
  48. To someday live in a simple home in a vicinity untouched by pollution near a body of water
  49. To learn how to surf
  50. To see snow
  51. To learn how to snowboard
  52. To learn how to skate
  53. To learn how to hand glide
  54. To go back in time and change some of the things that would make the world a better world
  55. To live a life not devoid of pain but full of understanding
  56. To step on the moon
  57. To have a pet wolf
  58. To go rafting at the Grand Canyon
  59. To have no uninteresting scars
  60. To have a pet koala bear
  61. To visit Alaska
  62. To see the glaciers of the Artic
  63. To be stuck in an unknown island with the guy of my choice
  64. To learn how to play baseball
  65. To have enough money to pay for my expenses and for charity
  66. To implement cat fights (stop the abuse of cats)
  67. To reach my 16th b-day
  68. To have no hunger in the world
  69. To have peace in the world
  70. To have PRIVACY
  71. To marry the man of my dreams
  72. To have healthy children
  73. To have enough time for everything
  74. To invent something that would help everybody
  75. That someone will spell out "I love you, " with roses in a huge field
  76. To discover a star or constellation
  77. To have a large garden
  78. To have all the shoes that I want
  79. To learn different languages
  80. To be a good dancer
  81. That my family will always be safe
  82. To have a boyfriend
  83. To have a cat
  84. To have all the albums I want
  85. That justice be served
  86. To have the tape of all the My-So-Called Life episodes
  87. To have all the tapes of the movies I want
  88. To have all the tapes of all the Macross & Robotech episodes
  89. That our dog won't be sick anymore
  90. To have the most sophisticated equipment
  91. To be able to race drive
  92. To have a very, very good job
  93. To be my own boss
  94. To be more religious
  95. To stop losing my stuff and start finding them
  96. To have all the books that I want
  97. That pollution will be taken away by aliens
  98. That trees grow back
  99. That we discover a new planet to live in
  100. To have internet sometime soon
  101. To be happy


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posted by Insanity Supreme at 10:54 AM
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