I went to a one man art gallery opening tonight. The artist is a friend's dad, so we were really there as moral support. Lord knows we can't really afford to buy artwork.
The pieces were great. But there was something there that was not part of the gallery but still caught my interest. Living art. His name is Francis Ricafort (He won in the raffle so his name was called). And he is so beautiful.

I want him for my birthday. Heck I want him now. Unfortunately the girl with him looked like his girlfriend. *Sigh*

Damn it it's hot! And the heat doesn't subside even when it's 5 a.m. in the morning. I know this for a fact since for the last few days I've been up and surfing the web at the wee hours of the night...err... morning...err...whatever. The point is it's so freaking hot.
All that's missing now to make this the summer of 1992 are the sporadic black outs, the ice candy stands and the neighborhood kids clamoring outside our gate, asking my sister and I to go out and play patintero with them. Good times. Damn hot times but good times. Unfortunately now it's just plain hot.

Since I opted not to go with JD to Galera this Holy Week in favor of sleeping the whole holiday break away, I find myself going through my crap in my room. Crap that mostly consists of scribbles of unfinished stories and poetry or just plain drabbles. Others were written reflection reports that I feel particularly fond of. One of the crap items I have apparently saved up is a goal book back when I was in third year high school. I forgot what class this is from and the fact that I can't remember is driving me insane. Argggg!
Going over this goal book, I find myself snickering at the items I've listed there. I was so idealistic then. I always thought that I've become a cynic by the time I was in high school but apparently I wasn't. God, some of the things I've listed down are things I would loathe to have right now, especially number 82. I mean, WTF?!!!!!!! I'm very big on not wanting to have that right now or ever, depends on what mood I'm in.
Anyhoo, below is the goal book:
To have a sport
To have better looking legs
That I pass third year and be promoted
I've always wanted my own room
I want a big poster of James Dean
That at some point in my life I would feel that I have fulfilled my destiny??
I want to have an electric guitar
To have better looking teeth
To be tall
To be tall
To go to Europe, all expenses paid w/pocket money
To be able to help in saving the forests, whales or manatees
To have a foreign friend so that I can see the world from a personal point of view
That I have a good course in college that I like
To have a convertible (50's style, red, Chevy)
To have a jukebox for my own entertainment
That I learn how to fly a plane
To sky dive at least once in my life
To bungee jump at least once in my life
To go to a good college
To climb Mt. Everest
To visit the pyramids, ruins and other historical sites
To learn how to draw comics
To be a good writer
To become artistic
To explore the many caves of the world
To learn how to swim
To learn how to ride a bike
To be a better friend
To write a screenplay or something like that
To learn how to play soccer
To become more generous
To learn a form of martial arts
To someday build a famous landmark
To direct a documentary about things that are important to people my age
To be able to collect all the comic books that I want
To start a new program that's like MTV but will talk about the concerns of the youth
To discover the Fountain of Youth
To go to a Smashing Pumpkins concert
To have my own band or a band to manage
To have psychic powers
To have vast land so that when it rains I could run there w/o anybody seeing me and to have lots of space to run in
To have long, beautiful, jet black hair
To have my own place when I graduate from college
To learn how to cook for myself
To meet Chris O'Donnell
To have a horse
To someday live in a simple home in a vicinity untouched by pollution near a body of water
To learn how to surf
To see snow
To learn how to snowboard
To learn how to skate
To learn how to hand glide
To go back in time and change some of the things that would make the world a better world
To live a life not devoid of pain but full of understanding
To step on the moon
To have a pet wolf
To go rafting at the Grand Canyon
To have no uninteresting scars
To have a pet koala bear
To visit Alaska
To see the glaciers of the Artic
To be stuck in an unknown island with the guy of my choice
To learn how to play baseball
To have enough money to pay for my expenses and for charity
To implement cat fights (stop the abuse of cats)
To reach my 16th b-day
To have no hunger in the world
To have peace in the world
To marry the man of my dreams
To have healthy children
To have enough time for everything
To invent something that would help everybody
That someone will spell out "I love you, " with roses in a huge field
To discover a star or constellation
To have a large garden
To have all the shoes that I want
To learn different languages
To be a good dancer
That my family will always be safe
To have a boyfriend
To have a cat
To have all the albums I want
That justice be served
To have the tape of all the My-So-Called Life episodes
To have all the tapes of the movies I want
To have all the tapes of all the Macross & Robotech episodes
That our dog won't be sick anymore
To have the most sophisticated equipment
To be able to race drive
To have a very, very good job
To be my own boss
To be more religious
To stop losing my stuff and start finding them
To have all the books that I want
That pollution will be taken away by aliens
That trees grow back
That we discover a new planet to live in
To have internet sometime soon
To be happy

In less than 3 weeks, I had something pushed down my throat and had my breasts manhandled by a woman on 2 separate occasions. It sounds kinky, right? Well it wasn't. I had an Endoscopy procedure last March 24 and during last Sunday's Annual Medical Exam, the doctor discovered 3 small lumps and I opted to get a mammogram to have it checked out.
The Endoscopy procedure didn't hurt a lot, thanks to an anesthesia, but I did puke on my hair. The mammogram on the other hand hurt a lot. I am now more sympathetic to orange fruits.
Note to self: Remember to get mammogram results on Wednesday so that Mom would stop worrying that you are dying in front of her very eyes.
These 2 activities are actually situations that you may read on more racy novels or other reading materials. I can't really fathom why anyone would like to do that for fun but then again I guess you need to be a certain kind of person to like something like that. Not that that's bad. To each his own, right? But for me, I guess I'll pass on it.

It has to be said that I do become obsessed about certain things. This usually happens when I am extremely bored and need to occupy myself lest I decide to get busy with something stupid, like taking on the zits on my face, and ruining the rest of my life.
One ongoing obsession of mine is finding pictures of people who look like each other. Since pictures of random people are hard to come by, the people I usually notice are celebrities and other public figures. Now I have been able to gather some of them and I've decided to post them for my own amusement.
Real People vs. Real People1. David Boreanaz vs. Craig Sheffer
I noticed this when Angel, este David, began to gain weight in Buffy. He started to look more and more like Craig Sheffer. Craig Sheffer, an actor I refuse to watch until recently because I still associate him with his ass-aholic character in Somekind of Wonderful, does not like look like David now, but his earlier pictures do.

2. Jeffrey Tambor vs. Dr. Phil
I saw this picture of Jeffrey and I just laughed my ass off because he is such a dead ringer for Dr. Phil. I don't know if he was trying to impersonate Dr. Phil at the time or if he was just playing the role of a random doctor.

3. Hugh Laurie vs. Damian Lewis
They are both British. They both have beards. They have the same haircut. Heck they are wearing almost the same clothes. Okay, so one of them looks like a big sourpuss but hey, you have to admit that there is something there. This could be like Dr. House when he was younger.

4. Jay Mohr vs. Sam Huntington
Sam Huntington looks like Jay Mohr on and off over the years in my opinion. But recently he has started to look like the comedian again.
5. Jessalyn Gelsing vs. Avril Lavign
While watching Boston Public, I noticed that there are some shots of Jessalyn Gelsing wherein she looks like the older version of Avril. I couldn't find a picture of them that was on money and the pictures below are the closest to each that I could find.
6. Tom Cruise vs. Sean Faris
If Tom Cruise actually had an illegitimate child that he didn't know about, I'm going to put my money on Sean Faris as that child. If you take away that mole, Sean would look like Tom in Risky Business.

7. Tom Welling vs. Tyson Ritter (Lead Vocals of The All American Rejects)
Tom Welling, bless his beautiful face for it is all he has. I tried watching Smallvile just because the whole idea of Superman's life before he was Superman appealed to me. Okay, so it's not 'just' the idea of Superman's life before he was Superman that appealed to me. Having a pretty boy there helped too. Unfortunately, said pretty boy was dead as a rock. Nothing going on behind those eyes. Then I saw a very similar face that actually had something behind the eyes. The face belonged to Tyson Ritter, who looked very much like a rocking Tom in the video Swing, Swing.
8. Helen Hunt vs. Leelee Sobieski
I believe that I am not the only person who has noticed the similarity between these two. I did find pictures where their pictures where side by side. They are alike and yet they are not. I can't really pinpoint what it is. Maybe it's their eyes.

9. Ricky Ullman vs. Cogie Domingo
Local actor, Cogie Domingo, looks like Israeli born actor Ricky Ullman, best known for his role as Phil Diffy in Phil of the Future. I don't watch local movies, sitcoms, drama shows and whatnot, for fear I may be driven insane by their bad quality and go out and kill every writer, producer, actor and actress in those shows. So even if Cogie is cute, I have not seen a single project of his. So I settle on watching the Disney Channel instead.
10. Jared Leto vs. Drew Fuller
Before anybody protests that these two look nothing alike, let me just say that I mostly agree with you. It's just that they both have this vibe about them. At a swift glance I once mistook a picture of Drew as a picture of Jared. Not to mention they both have gorgeous eyes.
11. Justin Long vs. Rob Stone
People who did not watch a show called Mr. Belvedere in the 80's will not know who the heck is Rob Stone. Needless to say, he was in that show. He was the oldest teenage son who is awkward and always trying to find how to score a beautiful and popular girl as his gilrfriend. Welcome to the year 2000 and this role has been somewhat reincarnated in the show Ed and is played by Justin Long, who has the same smile as Rob Stone.
12. Billy Corgan vs. Jerry Supiran
Another 80's show is the source of one of my look alikes. Actually I don't believe this is a look alike. I believe that this kid from Small Wonder, Jerry Supiran, grew up and changed his name to Billy Corgan, lead vocals of The Smashing Pumpkins.
13. Mary Stuart Masterson vs. Jesse Spencer
As a joke I sent my friend a zip file containing the 2 pictures below and asked her to identify who those 2 were. She replied that if I wanted to guess who the person in the picture was, I should have cut of the section in one of the pictures that said Somekind of Wonderful. What she was basically saying was that she thought that both pictures were of Mary Stuart Masterson. I then dropped the bomb on her and said that only one of the pictures is Mary and the other picture is another person, who is in fact a guy.
14. Kiera Knightley vs. Jesse Spencer
I'm sorry, but this guy just really looks a like girl sometimes.
15. James Earl Jones vs. Della Reese
They could be fraternal twins or something. If James Earl Jones decides to cross dress, I imagine he'll look like Ms. Reese.
Real People vs. Cartoon Characters
16. Pierce Brosnan vs. Col. KFC
I am not sure if the Colonel Sanders (is this the guy in KFC?) is a real person before so I am assuming he is not. Pierce Brosnan, in an interview earlier this year, said that his new look has prompted people to say that he either looks like Saddam or Col. KFC. I agree on the KFC.
17. Saddam Hussein vs. Murky
Speaking of Saddam, I've always thought that he looks like Murky from Rainbow Bright with his little mustache and chubby cheeks.
18. Colin Powell vs. A Cabbage Patch Doll
I've also always thought that Colin Powell looks like a cabbage patch doll.

19. Josh Saviano vs. Millhouse
Josh Saviano, best known for his role as Paul Pfeiffer in The Wonder Years, was rumored to have reinvented himself to Marilyn Manson. I never believed that. My Billy Corgan theory is better than that. But despite the now busted myth, I still say that this guy does still look like someone still in television. Of course that someone is actually a cartoon character but the similarity is still there, from the glasses to his nerdy persona.
Cartoon Characters vs. Cartoon Characters20. Grimace vs. Lurky
They are both big and I have no idea what the heck they are suppose to be.

21. Pink Panther vs. Snaggle Puss
Do I still need to point out the similarities between these 2?