I read the book of Perry Moore, Hero, last December and just recently learned that it is currently being developed into a movie or T.V. series by Showtime. I'm so loving this book that this news has driven me to find out all I could about its casting news.
But there were no news on that however there are a handful of people out there who are compiling their own casting preferences for this project. And I've decided to join them. Below are pictures of actors/actresses that I think fit the bill for some of the characters in the book. This is, of course, not complete but I will add to it when I find other matches.
Thom Creed: Douglas Smith
One of the things I used to look for an actor who could play Thom Creed is height since he is a high school basketball player and was even described as being the tallest person in a game surpassed only by Goran. That means this kid has to be tall. And with Thom being at the point of wanting to explore his sexuality in the face of so many insecurities I thought that this actor should be able to look awkward and unsure very well without looking like an annoying klutz.
Now I was able to watch a small part of 1 episode of Big Love in HBO. It was the scene where Bill's eldest son, Ben, has sex with his girlfriend for the first time. In that scene Ben was unsure of what to do and had to be directed by his girlfriend through most of the event.
Douglas Smith, the actor who plays Ben, pulled off that scene so well. He looked so heart breakingly unsure but eager at the same time. In that one scene he totally convinced me that he has the chops to pull of the more dramatic scenes required to play Thom. Douglas' face and mannerisms don't scream gay but he's not the All-American dreamboat either. His baby face makes it easier for me to be convinced that he's an innocent kid who wants to explore his sexuality. Not to mention the fact that he's 6'3 so he also fills the height requirement.
Goran/Dark Hero: Jake Richardson
Goran, like Thom, is tall. Actually he should be taller than Thom. Goran is also from Eastern Europe that means no All-American looking boys. And with Goran's alter-ego being described as the anti-hero, the actor should be brooding and most likely brunette. Basically as far opposite of any guy you would cast as Captain America.
To be honest I am not sure what the typical look of Eastern Europeans is. So what I did was use Goran Visnjic as a reference in terms of looks. This then got me thinking of this episode of House M.D. when they had a Gypsy kid as a patient. I tracked down the actor who played that guest patient and came up Jake Richardson.
Jake Richardson is 5'11, shorter than Douglas but with so many angles a director can shoot from, a small difference in height of who plays Thom and Goran may not matter so much. His pictures show that he can pull off the brooding bad-ass look. Acting wise, I don't have a lot to go on but at least didn't suck during his stint at House M.D.
Hal Creed/Major Might: Nelson Craig or Terence Knox

Major Might, though his age was never mentioned, struck me as man who began a family later in life like when he's in his 40's. I basically got this from the back story of Thom's mother on how she had a crush on him, a well established hero who was probably in his late 20's or early thirties, when she was a teenager and finally got to marry him when she got older and was able to join the team. So 40's plus 17 or 18 years that would make Hal Creed a man in his 60's. And since Major Might was a hero with no super powers, I figured that he would be a big man and that he exudes a very solid presence.
Admittedly, when reading the book, I was picturing Nelson Craig as Hal Creed because he was the voice of Mr. Incredible in the movie The Incredibles. But when I think about it, he actually fits. And there is no question that he can act.
However if some would think that Nelson Craig is a very obvious choice and ergo boring, then I would like to offer up the possibility of having Terence Knox, a man I sort of grew up watching in the T.V. series Nam Tour of Duty, to play the role since he also pretty much fits the bill and is capable to play the part.
Justice: Chris Noth
Justice is Superman's counterpart in the book so it would follow that he fits certain descriptions of Superman. That means that he would have black hair and blue eyes. He is also the leader of the league and is an expert in PR relations. So this guy is no yuppie. This told me that he is also an older man. Not older than Hal Creed since Justice is Hal Creed's former side-kick. I figured him to be about 10 years younger than Hal Creed making him to be in his late 40's or early 50's.
Chris Noth fits the description and the age bracket. And his portrayal of Big in Sex and the City certainly shows us that he can be a very smooth guy who can convince you to believe in him even when something at the back of your head tells you that he's up to something.
Francis/Uberman: Robert Gant
Uberman is the opposite of Goran. He is the All-American hero. He is what most boys want to be and who girls and gay boys want to date. He is also described as the approachable hero, who always made time for the fans.
Robert Gant so fits this role. He has the face. He has the body. THE BODY!!!!!! And as for acting abilities, Gant is no slouch. Not that so much complicated acting would be required for role. But just in case this character's role in the book is expanded beyond the cliché super hero role, he would be able to handle it.
Kevin/Golden Boy: Jay Hernandez
Golden boy is described as a guy whose race is not all that easy to discern. He's a man who could be mistaken as being half-black or Latino or of Arab descent. He's also said to have curly black hair and has matinee good looks.
Jay Hernandez is a great looking guy. Sure he's easily identifiable as Latin but it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that he's half black or is of Arab descent. Acting-wise, his performance in Crazy/Beautiful makes me think that he can hack it as a gentleman trying woo a very temperamental woman which is basically what the relationship of Golden Boy and Scarlett is.
Miss Scarlett: Christina Cole
Scarlett is the resident bitchy girl with a sad story in the background. She's a described as a pretty girl with a tough exterior.
I watched Christina Cole in Hex and she passes on the looks department. The character she played there, Cassie, has had a fairly diverse emotional range in that show and she didn't look fake while executing those scenes. This makes me think that she can carry off the role of the complicated Scarlett.
Larry/Typhoid Larry: Michael Welch
Typhoid Larry is supposed to be a sickly guy. Other than that I don't have much to go on in terms of what he looks like. So I'll go with what sickly kids usually look like or are perceived. The usual caricature of a sickly kid is someone who is skinny, with poor eyesight and may have asthma.
Michael Welch from Joan of Arcadia made a good nerd. But he's certainly made some changes or had some growth to himself these past few years and those changes may make his portrayal of Larry better. Michael would certainly play certain clichés of a sickly guy but he could also play it so that he is not so physically inept that the character of Larry would always look like he would never ever have a chance at getting into the League.
Ruth/Old Enough To Know Better: Rue McClanahan
Ruth's age was never mentioned definitively but clues were given. She was a young and beautiful southern woman during a time when a girl like her was not allowed to date a young black man. That would be around the 50's to the 60's. She had her turn as bad girl when she was young and she calls things as she sees it. She's not one to be polite when it gets her nowhere.
Someone in AfterElton mentioned that Rue McClanahan was their pick for Ruth and I couldn't agree more. She's sassy and has great comedic timing. Age wise she fits the age range hinted Ruth was at.
Warrior Woman: Rebecca Romijn - O'Connell
Warrior Woman is Wonder Woman's counterpart in this book. She's described as being an Amazon.
Now, for me, when you say Amazon I think of very tall, fit and maybe even mannish looking women. And even before I read this book, whenever I catch a rerun episode of Ugly Betty when Rebecca Romijn was there I kept on thinking how much she looked like an Amazon to me. So I think it would be fitting if she got this role. And as an added bonus, Rebecca Romijn is a friend of Perry Moore after working with him in one of the films he produced.
Silver Bullet: James Marsters
Silver Bullet is the counterpart of Flash in the book. Flash is supposed to be a witty guy so I think that should be the same with Silver Bullet. And with that kind of name, I envision this guy to have something silver or something close to it.
James Marsters, when his hair is dyed platinum blonde, pretty much fit what I pictured while reading the book. Plus he certainly knows how to deliver witty lines. His years as Spike have certainly showed us that.
And on a personal note, I always want to have James to have a gig. How else will he support me when we get married?
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