Wednesday, November 23, 2005
The "Instruction"
The church is speaking of out against gay priests. An article I found in yahoo relates that the church has come out with a five page long document known as the "Instruction", which serves as a guide book for homosexuals or those who have homosexual tendencies who wish to enter the seminary. This document indicates that those who have homosexual leanings must beat this part of their nature at least 3 years before joining the seminary.

The topic of the church being against homosexuals has been a longstanding issue for decades now. However the issue became more prominent with the sex abuse scandal that erupted in the United States in 2002. It was noted in a study done by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice that most of victims were adolescent boys.

The study of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice does not indicate if the priests who molested those boys are gay. Just because the victim is male, that doesn't mean the pervert was gay. It could very well be because adolescent males were more accessible to the child molesting priests rather than young females. If I remember correctly altar boys have more contact with their parish priests than church choir members who are composed of both males and females. And people are more inclined to notice and become suspicious when young girls spend a lot time with a priest rather than noticing young boys with a priest.

Personally I don't care about the sexual orientation of a person. As long as they are able to do the job they are supposed to do and don't bother anybody, you rank high in my book.

I am still seething about the whole child abuse scandal of the church. What really gets to me is not the fact that it happened in the first place, but how it kept on happening because of the irresponsible way the church acted. I believe that instead of spending time creating a document that states a criterion against homosexuals entering into priesthood, the church should focus on conducting psychological tests on all seminary candidates and current clergymen to check if these people have child molesting tendencies rather than homosexual tendencies.

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posted by Insanity Supreme at 12:43 PM
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Grannies, Trannies and Manilicious but Oblivious Hunks
Last week was JD's birthday and to celebrate it, we went out to dinner and then went to Malate for dancing and karaoke. Not that I sang of course.This is a birthday celebration for Christ's sake, me singing would hardly be considered as a welcomed gift but more like a portent of doom.

Anyhoo, being that we were in Malate I was prepared to see anything. Well I thought I was until I saw a grandma dressed in a sequined bra top framed by a blazer, pants and knee-high high heeled boots coming out of Bed, a club we frequent, since JD knows the owner. So yes, I was shocked. I mean with this country being conservative on many things, techno dancing grannies are a rarity. But as for what I think about that woman, I only have this to say: if she still has the energy to go out and get her groove on then more power to her.

Another thing that I saw that night, that I don't usually see, is a group of very beautiful trannies. Not that I haven't seen trannies before. Transvestites actually constitute most of the people who have cut my hair. And I do occasionally see some that are very beautiful but not a whole group of them. Man, the sight of them gave me low self esteem on my looks for a moment there since I'm the real deal and they so look much better than me.

But despite my trip down the I'm-so-ugly-give-me-a-cone-to-hide-my-head mentality, the night (or morning since it was actually dawn) ended on a high note since I saw a very manilicious guy. A guy who actually met most of my dream man qualities in terms of looks. He was tan, had flat abs, nice face and average height. I didn't talk to him though. Dude was too busy talking to his cell phone which I took as a cue that if he can't be bothered to look around and see wonderful me, then he's not really worth the time. That is of course the spiel I am giving myself to stop me from kicking my own ass for not saying a word to him.

I have the speed of a slug when it comes to matters such as these. I consider myself batshit insane most of the time but I do become deadly sober when a situation like this comes along and this usually prevents me from saying something stupid in front of a guy. Unfortunately it sometimes goes overboard and I end up saying nothing at all.

Oh well, one step at a time I guess. No need to rush myself into doing stuff like these if I don't feel like it yet. Because to be honest, I just really like looking around right now.

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posted by Insanity Supreme at 3:18 AM
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