Hmmmm I'm not sure if it's because Daniel Radcliffe is now all grown up and legal, the news of him going gaga over this girl he saw in a party had made me lose hope or I just got plain ole tired of him, but he's no longer my inappropriate crush. I've moved on to someone new: Skandar Keynes.
I predicted, after watching clips of the new Narnia movie that I would end up with a huge crush on the guy who played Prince Caspian after watching the whole film. Well I was right. Ben Barnes is soooooo HOOOTTTT. What I did not expect was that the kid who played Edward would grow up to become real cute.
So after pledging to give up my pedo ways now that Danny boy is all legal, I'm disappointed to say that yes, I'm at it again. But I have really good reasons and if you think about it, this isn't as bad as my crush on Dan.
Yes, it's true that unlike Radcliffe, he is still not of legal age. But on the bright side he only has to more years to go before I can legally stalk him without being called a total ped. Also the kid has good genes on both sides. I mean with relatives who are writers, professors, Nobel Prize winners and Charles Darwin, this kid has to have the smart gene. So that means he won't be dull person and any offspring he may have will also have the smart gene. (Yes I'm a total psycho for already thinking about his offspring.)
Now whether or not my crush on this kid will last as long as my crush on Daniel still remains to be seen. Hopefully not 'cause I think I'm really starting to freak other people out with this. But the lack of visible, cute, talented, smart and straight actors is really putting a damper on my hunt for my next celebrity crush. Well if all else fails, let's hope I can find the strength to watch the next season of Desperate Housewives so that I can focus my eyes on the ever handsome Gale Harold and leave this whole pedo thing behind. Until then I'm going to google all the sordid details I can on Skandar. :)

Just when I thought this couldn't get any gay-er than it already is, I saw this on the boob tube:

Did I like the Sex and the City movie? Well...some parts yes, some parts not so much.
Now I've refrained myself from reading the reviews so as to not spoil the movie for myself and be able to form my own opinion of it.
So far these are the things I loved about the movie:
1. Conversation/Dialogue: This has always been 1 of the things I loved about this show. Some parts of their conversation are so inane and funny they remind me of my conversation with my friends. Below are some convo topics that I loved in particular.
c. Carrie mentioning that Charlotte's luck may be on the all clear since something bad had already happened to her (Charlotte).
2. Sticking to character: I loved the moments when they showed classic behavior of some of the characters.
a. Charlotte: Her little steps and flappy behavior when she wants to escape a place. There was this one scene that so reminded me of that episode when she got hit by a taxi and met her first husband, Trey.
3. Bringing back of known secondary characters: Again this harks back to the fact that I love continuity. It's nice to see the following minor characters.
4. Showing the dress she wore in the show's credits: They had to show this dress.
5. Smith: Hooooot!
Things I didn't like so much about the movie.
1. Scene with the shrink: The shrink's lines were so rehearsed.
2. Samantha got a dog: I've never really thought of her as a dog person.
3. So little scenes with Smith: Smith is one of the bigger reasons I wanted to watch this movie.
4. Carrie's dress in the final scene: WTF?!!!
5. The big change in Carrie's apartment: I liked Carrie's apartment the way it was.
But all in all the film was good for me. What really pissed me off was that there were so many cut scenes from the movie. And it was so obvious too. Damn you MTRCB!!! I mean they've already classified this movie as R-18 (I think). That should have already kept the minors out of the cinema so why the fuck should they still cut the scenes if not to just piss the non-minor movie goers? Dude, the censorship here just sometimes pisses me off big time. I guess I should just order a DVD of this from Spectra to see the whole film when it comes out.