I learned, from watching about a bunch of shows from the Animal Planet channel, that an animal with a terminal illness or with severe and inoperable injuries are required to be put to sleep. This is to preserve the dignity of the animal. Owners who don't comply and are caught are slapped with a fine and possible jail time for animal cruelty. However, when it comes to human beings, this avenue of maintaining dignity is not available and is considered illegal.
I do realize that euthanasia can be used to be cover for dubious acts such as murder. This, to me, is the only pitfall that should prevent euthanasia from becoming legal. However, proper documentation and a strict process can make this avoidable.
So what about the moral part?
Well my morals center on the Golden Rule: Do unto others what you want them to do unto you. So if I had a terminal illness and I was suffering a great deal or if I was severely injured and need to have a bunch of machines to keep on living, then I want somebody to help me go in peace. If God wanted me to live, he would let me breath on my own or make my heart beat by itself, etc. None of that prolonged machine dependency for me. I, of course, have to ask for this. No consent means no plug pulling.
So, in the face of the Pope's
statement on the topic of euthanasia, I now wish I'm a dog. Euthanasia may be the only reason I really wouldn't mind being called a bitch.