Below is an IM conversation I had with a friend last Wednesday that still gives me the giggles up 'til today.
Insanity Supreme: I've been thinking
Insanity Supreme: It could be the inner 80's kid in me
Insanity Supreme: but Britney will never reach Madonna status
Insanity Supreme: AKA Icon status
Fat Cow: oh, god, no. not even kylie can reach madonna status
Insanity Supreme: I mean the woman invented a look that could only be pulled off by her and the drag queens who impersonate her
Insanity Supreme: Hello Cone Bra
Insanity Supreme: that was very distinct
Fat Cow: madonna has done too much to get to where she is now
Insanity Supreme: I'd have to say that Britney's costumes have a tendency to be on the Cher side
Insanity Supreme: see throughs with glitters and feathers
Insanity Supreme: and again
Insanity Supreme: Hello Cone Bras
Insanity Supreme: and yes to the Kylie comment
Fat Cow: heh. cher. not even britney can match that.
Insanity Supreme: True, Cher has earned her Icon status
Insanity Supreme: but costume-wise
Insanity Supreme: she's more on the Cher track with the see throughs, glitter and feathers
Insanity Supreme: but she ain't no Cher
Fat Cow: costume wise. only fags can get away with those things
Insanity Supreme: and Cher
Fat Cow: oh yes.
Fat Cow: what brought this on, by the way?
Insanity Supreme: nothing
Insanity Supreme: ok I've been wathing Entertainment Tonight
Fat Cow: oh, god, have you seen britney's paparazzi shots with paris?
Insanity Supreme: yes but not the ones where her hoho was flashed
Insanity Supreme: thank god
Insanity Supreme: see
Insanity Supreme: in the past
Insanity Supreme: Madonna didn't raise a scandal that she hasn't planned
Insanity Supreme: there were no Oops for her
Insanity Supreme: she was really just that bad
Fat Cow: yeah.
Insanity Supreme: Big Bad
Insanity Supreme: hehehehe
Fat Cow: there are websites that call the britney-paris friendship as "Wonder Twin Powers
Insanity Supreme: how appropriate
Insanity Supreme: Lindsay Lohan could be their monkey
Fat Cow: =))
Insanity Supreme::D