Don't Go There. Don't. Ahhhhh Man....You Went There.
Wow, the new pope sure isn't making any new friends is he?
For those of you who haven't heard, the pope gave a speech in Germany wherein he referenced some old passage that criticized people practicing Islam for using violence to spread the faith. Now the pope claims that he wasn't calling people practicing Islam as being violent. The message of the speech was to not use violence no matter what religion you are practicing.
Now, I haven't read the speech the pope gave since it's long, full of big words and boring so I'll give the pope the benefit of the doubt and believe him. But for a person so commonly praised as a brilliant academic, he can't find another text to use in his speech that will not insult any religion? Surely there must be other articles he could have used.
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone says that the pope wants Christians and Muslims to respect each other. I do recall him giving speeches of that sort however what I don't recall is him doing anything to have that come about other than giving speeches. I am surfing the web to find out if he has visited any Muslim countries since he has been elected as pope. So far all I've found out is that he seems to be visiting Germany a whole lot.
Hmmm, just a thought, maybe his plan would work a lot better if he also visited Muslim countries instead of always going to Germany. But I guess if he was planning on doing that, that plan would be moot right now since the citizens of those countries would not welcome him.
As a person who is being represented by this guy to the rest of the world, I have this to say to him about this incident, "Great job, D.W.!"
Side Note:
Is this the face of person you would follow? I agree that looks should never factor in choosing a person for a job, except if they are models, but frankly he looks like a scary man-eating guy who would scare off potential Christians and children of all faiths.
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