Sunday, May 07, 2006
The British Stiff Upper Wit
Coupling is one of my favorite shows. I just watched 2 episodes tonight back to back. I practically laughed my ass off.

There's something about the British that makes me love them. The sarcastic wit. The accent. These 2 things just make them so funny to me because they sound so posh but the words coming from their mouths are ridiculous. Then you look at their faces as they say these things and they look totally serious which makes them more laughable.

When I am able to watch Jay Leno, I notice that his British guests are a lot funnier than his American guests. And what's great about these interviews is that these guests don't look like they are making an effort being funny at all. I mean, I recently saw an interview of Robin Williams in The Tonight show and his whole slot looked rehearsed. He clearly looked like he was putting on a show. I hate that. It didn't look like an interview anymore, it was more like a skit. It was so unlike the interivews with Hugh Grant, Paul Bettany or Tracy Ullman where they look like they were just shooting the breeze and being themselves.

Anyhoo, I must find a way to get a DVD copy of Coupling. Too bad I'm strapped for cash. Damn you E-VAT! Damn you inflation! *Sigh*

Porn-wise, lesbians are like a jam sandwich, without the sandwich and
just the jam. Fact, lesbians are just a big blob of jam. Well, not actually. Unless they've
exploded in all the lesbonic excitement.
- Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps, Coupling

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posted by Insanity Supreme at 11:46 PM
Speedos: God's gift to women.
A friend of mine used to have a crush on David Duchovny and we would, at times, catch her saying 'Red speedos, red speedos' while gazing at his picture wherein he is wearing a pair of red speedos. We'd laugh, of course. However I never really saw the attraction. With the speedos, I mean, not David Duchovny. I agree with her on his hotness factor.

But now that my current obssession is Jesse Spencer, I now understand. I just love the fact that most of his pictures from Neighbours has him wearing speedos. And he does the speedos justice, 'cause got back.

I now regret living here and not having Neighbours televised here. So I did what could to indulge my current interest and got a shop to order a DVD with Jesse in it. So I got the DVD of Swimming Upstream last week. Needless to say, I love it. Below is a picture from that movie that just showcases Jesse's *ahem* assets.

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posted by Insanity Supreme at 10:11 PM
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