Children. Children. And oh look...more children.
I was surfing the net and checked out the latest crop of entries in the
American Idle site. There's an entry there about the Arkansas woman who just gave birth to her 16th child which I had actually read earlier this week in
Yahoo. This article is basically the reality of one of my worse nightmares.
I remember watching an interview with the cast of
Urban Legends. They were asked what the scariest movie they've ever watched was. I loved
Alicia Witt's answer. Whereas most of her cast mates mentioned horror films, she cited the movie
Outbreak as the scariest film she ever saw. A few weeks ago I mentioned this to my friend and said that should I be asked the same question my answer would be
Cheaper by the Dozen. Not only was the story shallow and the acting bad but the whole idea of an individual squeezing 12 babies out of her body in the span of about 18 years scared the living daylights out of me.

Hadn't had much time to blog these past few months. Not to mention the fact that I don't have internet connection at home so even if I do have the time during the weekends, I don't really have the means. Going to an internet cafe and renting a PC is not really a good option since they cost so damn much. I'd rather use the money I would spend there to buy much needed items like, oh say snackage.
Work has been hectic and I find myself unable to do my timesheet for about a month now. Argggg!!!!! I've been sprouting major pimples due to stress.
Note to self: Have a facial after DR to get rid of pimples caused by DR.
But despite my busy schedule, I found that I am still capable of making time for my friends. Good thing too cause the past month and a half has shaped up to be some sort of heartbreak season.
My friend TechnoRaver** and her MU* guy, are on the outs. Then it seems like the guy wants to get back together, or at least as together as they could be as MUs.
Then my other friend, Dalagang Bukid**, broke up with her boyfriend, Black Molly**, who is another friend of ours and is currently in the US. As to the whole why and how, we didn't know until last Thursday, when we met up with her a month after news of the break up was delivered to us by JD**, another friend.
So for the past month and a half, I've been giving advice of the love kind to TechnoRaver. I'm not quite sure why people think I could give great advice on a topic I have no experience with, but so far it hasn't turned out to be too bad. I've basically been telling her to get things straight with her "almost man". The thing with this whole thing with her is that the guy, whose name escapes me at this moment since I never really bothered to learn it, is her first would be boyfriend. Now she doesn't really know what to do. They aren't really BF and GF and certain actions are feeling awkward to her right now because she believes that certain activities should be done in the context of a relationship. Well at least that's what I understood from what she's been telling JD and me. Hence the advice to get things straightened out with her and that guy.
I've told her to get the straight dope from him on what they are to each other, because assuming things is never really a good thing to do and sadly we tend to do that a lot. We tend to see meaning in some actions that mean nothing to the person who did them. We jump to conclusions on certain words a person might say. And basically not knowing a certain something that means a lot to you creates unnecessary stress. I've also told her to ask as early as possible because the longer she waits the harder it will be for her to ask it. Now if he tells her he wants to be official, then great. If not, then it's up to her if she's ok with continuing with him in an unofficial status. I've emphasized to her that whatever she decides to do, it should be really ok with her. I've told her not to force anything on to herself just for the sake of keeping the guy.
But the problem for her now is how to ask him. Asking the question, "What are your intentions?" and "Where do you see the two of us going?" are never really easy questions to ask a guy or even a girl. They are also very annoying questions that are so cliche that they have been mentioned in movies. But sadly they are questions that need to be asked in certain situations. So that whole deal is still pending. Hopefully things will end up on the up note for them. But I'm really thinking she should be prepared for the worst, just so that the crash won't be too much to bear if it is bad news.
Author's Note:
* MU: Mutual Understanding. It's so high school, I know but hey that's what they call themselves and their relationship.
** The names here are, of course, code names because if they were real names, I would propose that their parents be shot execution style.