Christian Snobs a.k.a. Fish Magazine is a Bigot Publication
I obtained the March 2005 issue of the Christian magazine called Fish after the Jars of Clay concert I went to a few hours ago. The concert gave away the magazines for free. My friend, who had a better seat, got a copy of the most recent issue and gave it to me. I don't go for Christian magazines but since it had Jars of Clay in the cover and probably an article on their band, I thought that it wouldn't be so bad if I read it. But I was wrong. It was bad. They lambasted non-Christians and called them "unwashed."
Now hold up, you might be thinking that I'm exaggerating. I wish I was but I am not.
The article that contained this insulting remark can be found in page 22 of this particular issue. The article is called "Contemporary Christian Music Crossovers" under the music review column by Miguel Aranaz. Basically the article praises Christian bands that have made it to the music mainstream where everybody, not just Christians, listen to it. Below is a blurb from this piece.
Yep, a lot of Contemporary Christian singers and bands have crossed over to the big wide world of mainstream music. Thank God for Christians who don't follow the crazy precept that Christians should keep to themselves.
Our hats off to these artists who have absolutely no problem catering to the great "unwashed"
* Please note that the quotation marks by the word unwashed were really printed out in the magazine.
Unwashed? Unwashed!! Is this really what we call those who are not Christians? Because if it is I would no longer wonder why some people from other religions are so intent on killing Christians.
When you say that a person is unwashed, you are basically saying that they are unclean, undesirable and indecent. Now I refuse to believe that just because a person has a different set of beliefs that they should be perceived as any of those adjectives I've just mentioned.
I know that the remark was not meant to insult but it does nonetheless. I also know that this is a small thing but I can't let it go. Small things tend to become big things. The off hand remarks of today may become tomorrow's racial cleansing propaganda. Oh wait, it's too late for this warning since there is already a war going on between Muslims and Christians. So I think that it's best to just say that we shouldn't add to the problem with callous comments like this.